This work, made in the 1936 by the prof. E. H. G. Dobby, study the specials characteristics of the la Riba town, a exceptional case between the industrials towns of the inner Catalonia. La Riba is located in the right margin of Francolí river, near his confluence with the Brugent river, in a canyon cut in the pre-litoral Cordillera. The Brugent waters has been used here how motive power by a series of paper and textile factories, each one with our waterfall and placeds at intervals in a very hard slope. The worker of these factories is also farmer, who cultivate a little vegetable gardens in the closes terraces, laboured and maked with a very long efforts into the lofties and rockies slopes. Dobby study in detail the geological and climatic factors, the communications and the other geographical aspects in order to offer a very fine panorama of the economic and social life of la Riba 42 years ago (1978).